Sunday, August 9, 2020

Local Musicians Find Refuge in McDowell Creek

During the hottest days of summer, the creek is a refuge.   Local musicians, looking for a safe outdoor space to gather during a pandemic, decided to play and sing next to (and in some cases in!) McDowell Creek:  

Local musicians jam while dusk falls on McDowell Creek, July 30, 2020.

But there are other singers on the creek, apart from Homo sapiens.   Dickcissels sing constantly, sometimes from the electrical wire above the creek.  Here a male Dickcissel belts out his song, accompanied by flowing water:

Dickcissels sing while these American Goldfinches come to drink.  The goldfinches also sing, sometimes from the same wire:

Some expert birders have identified this song as that of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak:

Meanwhile, all singers are accompanied by the original percussionists.  Here Blanchard's Cricket Frogs lay down quite a beat:

Let's store up this music to last us when the blustery winds of winter are what we hear instead.  

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